Narative text (A Hidden Small Heaven)

A Hidden Small Heaven

Last holiday, I visited a wonderful beach in southern Malang. It was sendang biru Beach. I had been visited it for three times. It becomes my favorite destination to spend a holiday. When I arrived at this beach, I was welcomed by the blue sea water spread out as far as I see. The blue water freshed my eyes. Amazingly, there was Sempu Island in the middle of the sea. I got there by a boat which was provided in the edge of Sendang Biru Beach, and it took for about ten minutes or more to get there. At the first time, it looked like a hidden small heaven to me. It was truly a marvelous place. When I stood in this island and looked around, I felt the world was mine. The soft sand made me felt more comfortable to walk or sir on it. In the middle of the island, there there was a small jungle, and in the edge of the island there were many trees. In short, at the first time I visited that place, I only think that I wanted to come there again.
By: Nikita Nurul Milati
